Food Pack-A-Thon

Feb 23

12:30 pm - 01:30 pm
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Event Details:
The Evangelism & Outreach Team will host a Pack-A-Thon on February 23rd after the worship service where we hope to fill & ship 60 boxes of Food Paks. Food donations can be dropped off in the church hallway beginning Sunday, February 1st at a designated table. Deadline for donations will be Wednesday, February 19th. Please follow the Walmart Registry link below and opt to purchase the items for in-store pickup or delivery (preferably to your home as we cannot ensure someone will be at church for delivery).
If you want to learn more about Children’s Hunger Fund’s Project Food Pak or donate to their ministry, please follow this LINK. If you have any questions, please see Oscar Rodriguez or Andrew Russo.

Event Location Information:
