Mercy & Care

Mercy & Care

Find the care you need, give the care you can

“So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.”
–The Apostle Paul in his letter to the Galatians
Mercy & Care

CPC’s ministry of mercy and care is facilitated by our Deacons, an office of service in the church based on the example of the seven men appointed in Acts 6 to care for widows. The title “deacon” comes from a Greek word that that means a servant. Our deacons keep an eye out for anyone in the congregation who needs assistance in any way in order to care for them. Many times that will include asking others in the congregation to lend a hand with tasks around the house, provide rides to medical appointments, or to help out with whatever the need might be. In this way, we all strive to live out Jesus’ call to love one another.

Our deacons also assist those outside our congregation. We want to show Christ’s love by helping with the needs of life in hopes that the everyone will discover true and meaningful life that comes only through Jesus.

In addition to the Deacons, we have a Hospitality Team. As part of their ministry, the team arranges meals for those who are ill, recovering from surgery, and in other circumstances as needed.